Friday 13 February 2015

Experimental tests, Plan for film, Animated Character in Live Action Background, Dance Research,

As part of my fields and frames course I've been practicing in experimental filming.

Here's a test that I filmed.

the technical aspect of this short are a combination of speeding up, slowing down and fading footage, playing in loops, in reverse, sop motion and time lapse.

The first sequence consists of a coin in motion reflecting on how money is always on the moves and how it takes over the lives of people.

The second sequence is of a maggot feeding its way into an apple eating it from the inside out. It reflects how the human body, our vessels inevitably wither and die, food for the maggots.

The third sequence is of a spinning bottle and how taking chances can lead to certain death.

My aim is to create a surreal quality to the experimental film, in a similar style of the film Eraserhead and other works of David Lynch which portray a bizarre and foreboding nightmarish atmosphere.

I've aimed to emulate his style of film making.

I've developed another experimental film that plays with light, it has a psychedelic and a possible seizure inducing quality.

This project has started a test of compiling fast paced images of light, it could reflect a near death experience, the lights seeping out of ones body as they pass to the other side.


I going to settle on a subject that I connect personally with, portray it thematically in the film while incorporating experimental techniques that.

I've looked up other artists who's works vary in conceptual art and experimental execution

Malcolm Le Grice - Horror Film 1

Tony Oursler | Art in Progress | Reserve Channel    

13th Feb 2014


A lonely individual without a dance partner creates himself a dance partner, he builds an artificial intelligence a "robot".

When demonstrating what dancing is the Robot exceeds at it being better then the man, feeling envious they have a competitive dance against each other, the man is shot in live action traditional film whereas the robot is an effect, digital high quality, visual conveying the theme of old vs. new, nature vs. science, man and machine.

The dance turns into an animistic feud between the two, it leads to a race which results in the man being injured in traffic, the robot sacrifices himself, giving his body parts to the man "his creator in order to save him.

The man in the end is an amalgamation of the two a cyborg. He becomes the ultimate dancer. Its through our technology we take the next step of our evolution.

Here is a demo video of my idea.

 Seeing live action characters interacting with characters created through effects is marvel, I’m using this for my project.

A notable example that comes resembles my concept comes from a stop motion sequence from Moonwalker where a miniature robot dances  

The advent of CGI "computer generated imagery" would set the standard for photo realistic looking visual effects to create characters

Having a psychical performer on set is useful for point of reference for where the computer generated character will be inserted into the film. Specially made suits with motion trackers are essential to incorporate the performers action into the cgi character. This technique is referred to as performance capture.

Artificial Intelligent beings have been portrayed a variety of time in media, many portray themes of empathy, following a program without conscious and question. Other portrayals explore a desire from the robots to learn of human emotions, this conveys the theme of how the benefits of being human with thoughts, feeling and free will is something we take for granted.

The characteristic of an artifactual intelligence can range from being monotone and devoid of emotion.  

Others convey overtly polite condescending innocence and desire to help out their human companions.

Another portrayal is that of a robot expressing distain toward humanity, conveying the cautionary theme of our technology potentially becoming self aware turning against us.

I'm settling on something which reflects the dynamic between fluid organic movement of a human
and the robust mechanical synchronised movement of machine.

For an example of finding other peoples work of stop motion characture I looked up examples.

I've considered replication the classic dance move referred to as the robot but eventually decided against it as it was too limiting of a dance move.

The central dance scene consists of two performers, one is a human, a live action performance and the other is a robot, special effect, an animated character composited into the film.

One idea is to stick with using the miniature mannequin. 

A second option is to use a full sized scaled ventriloquist rod puppet, with movements provided by a puppeteer who'll be cropped out using chroma green screen.

A third option is to create an animated 3D rendered model.

A fourth is to utilise motion capture from a performer and create a 3D model based around it.

I am confident in pursuing this effect, storyboard the film, choreograph the dance, arrange the schedule and make this film. 

I've also been considering the use of animation effects to the background/scenery of the film.

I've had soem practice with integrating my stop motion maquette into live action footage opposite me through the effect of chroma keying.

Though this is an early test example I'm think of reproaching the which effect I'm going to use to create the robot.

Dance Research

The subject of my short film is a dance sequence. Dance is a sequence of movement, an art form that expresses a wide range of emotions.

Competitiveness                                                                   Entertainment

Courtship                                                                  Rejoicing

Dancing has been practiced by cultures al over the world and through history.

There have been a handful of dance move that have become iconic in our pop culture.


Michael Jackson’s moonwalk                  Macarena


Gangnam style                                            Harlem Shake

My task is to create a dance piece put onto film, both the motion of the dance and the video should be mesmerizing, a fest to the eyes of the viewer. 

Dances moves used in my film

Elegant Ballroom dance

For my film the lonely man who longs for a dance partner builds himself a robot to fill that roll, he teaches the robot dance moves instructing him to be his dance partner, the robot/maquette does well to follow the mans lead, even developing moves of its own and unintentionally pushes the man into dancing against him.

A dance off/dance battle

The following competitive dance has the two dancers enacting display of feats to impress the spectating crowd, audience. The approach I intend to utilise is graceful and evocative, it gradually builds to an energetic and aggressive sequence dance sequence.

The dance off between the man and his robot is less of a traditional street dance battle and onto a more contemporary style of dancing. The approach I intend to use is an abstract performance yet conveys energy and mood.

In the end the man ends up harmed in a tragic way, the robot/Maquette sacrifices itself to save him, the man in the end becomes the ultimate dancer, he as his own partner intact in himself, he appears to be dancing by himself however is never alone.

I’ve looked up some example of contemporary dance pieces that combine technical effects.

One particular example of influence came from this music video

Girl and the Robot

Björk - All is Full of Love (Official Music Video)

Michael Clark Company with Come, Been and Gone


Dancing With Swarming Particles [full performance]


Next in line - Chelyabinsk Contemporary Dance Theatre

Stateless - 'Ariel' (Official Video)

XY (A Short Split-Screen Film)

For dance I've looked into two district dance style. The formal ballroom dance is slow, organic, elegant,  romantic and yet mechanical and synchronised. The strew battle dance is is fast paced, aggressive, yet just as mechanical and robust. These's reflect how the lines are blurred between humanity and robots. 

In my efforts with stop motion  model for the robot in my Dance Project had potential.

However the integration of the stop motion model into the live action footage didn't work as I hoped it would. 

I tried another effect by wearing a green suit and a self made robot suit. However the Chroma keying wasn’t effective enough though to create a convincing enough effect.

I’m attempting to perfect my skills at using Maya 3D.

I’m going to attempt another stop motion film that doesn’t combined live action

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